Hi, I am Wei Zhang

full-stack dev

a picture of me

What I do


My specialities lie in producing responsive, vibrant and user-friendly websites that not only look great but function as a powerful sales tool and extension of your business.


I ensure each one of our my projects delivers on both design & function. It’s important that your new website not only looks the part but serves its intended purpose and business objectives.


I setup Google Analytics & Google Search Console for you, then optimise and submit your sitemap to Google to ensure every page appears in the search results ASAP.

My Work

Who I am

Full-stack web developer

I am passionate about building excellent website that improves the lives of those around me. But web development has never been “just a job” for me, it’s offered an engaging challenge to continually learn and improve my skills in creating high-quality web.

Apart from being a web developer, I follow a number of sci-fi and fantasy genre movies and television shows, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the web development world.

picture of me

My work

A selection of my range of work

netflix-clone instagram-clone johnwick trumpet beach-resort sweetberry cosmojunkie covid-19-tracker amazon-clone movie-fight